
in defence of中文什么意思

发音:   用"in defence of"造句
  • 保护,防护
  • defence:    n. 1.防御,防备。 2.保卫,保护;辩护。 3.防卫 ...
  • defence:    n. 1.防御,防备。 2.保卫,保护;辩护。 3.防卫物;〔pl.〕 【军事】防御工事,堡垒。 4.护身术。 5.【法律】(被告的)抗辩,答辩;被告一方(包括被告及其辩护律师)。 6.【体育】守方。 legal defence 正当防卫。 line of defence 【军事】防线。 national defence 国防。 The best defence is offence. 最好的防御是进攻,先下手为强。 counsel for the defence (刑事被告的)辩护人。 a defence against an attack 防御(敌人的)进攻。 defence in depth 纵深防御。 in defence of 以防卫,为保护…,为…辩护。 put oneself in the state of defence 摆开防御姿势。 the D- of the Realm Act 〔英国〕国防条例〔略 DORA,1914年8月的法令,规定政府在战争期间有广泛的权力〕。 the science [art] of defence 护身术[拳术、剑术等]。
  • for defence:    国防国务部长
  • a defence of poetry:    诗辩
  • a defence of ryme:    捍卫韵文
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. He gave his life in defence of his country .
  2. 3 hartley r . in defence of the 8 - point algorithm
  3. They took up arms in defence of their country
  4. In defence of equality principle


        defence:    n. 1.防御,防备。 2.保卫,保护;辩护。 3.防卫 ...
        defence:    n. 1.防御,防备。 2.保卫,保护;辩护。 3.防卫物;〔pl.〕 【军事】防御工事,堡垒。 4.护身术。 5.【法律】(被告的)抗辩,答辩;被告一方(包括被告及其辩护律师)。 6.【体育】守方。 legal defence 正当防卫。 line of defence 【军事】防线。 national defence 国防。 The best defence is offence. 最好的防御是进攻,先下手为强。 counsel for the defence (刑事被告的)辩护人。 a defence against an attack 防御(敌人的)进攻。 defence in depth 纵深防御。 in defence of 以防卫,为保护…,为…辩护。 put oneself in the state of defence 摆开防御姿势。 the D- of the Realm Act 〔英国〕国防条例〔略 DORA,1914年8月的法令,规定政府在战争期间有广泛的权力〕。 the science [art] of defence 护身术[拳术、剑术等]。
        for defence:    国防国务部长
        a defence of poetry:    诗辩
        a defence of ryme:    捍卫韵文
        a written defence:    书面答辨
        absolute defence:    绝对抗辩
        act of defence:    防卫行为, 防卫行为
        active defence:    积极防御
        aerial defence:    防空。
        affirm defence:    积极的抗辩
        affirmative defence:    以新证据推翻原告所控事实的抗辩
        air defence:    防空。
        anti-defence:    反防守
        antiaircraft defence:    防空工事
        antimissile defence:    反导弹防御
        area defence:    区域防空; 区域防守
        avalanche defence:    雪崩防御墙
        backhand defence:    反手防守
        baiancing the defence:    防守补位
        balancing the defence:    防守补位
        balloon defence:    放高球防守
        blanket defence:    密集防守
        boom defence:    栏栅防御栅栏防御; 栅栏防御
        zone defence:    区域联防。



  1. in default of pleading 什么意思
  2. in default on a loan 什么意思
  3. in default provision hereof 什么意思
  4. in defect of 什么意思
  5. in defective condition 什么意思
  6. in defence of peace 什么意思
  7. in defense 什么意思
  8. in defense of 什么意思
  9. in defense of marxism 什么意思
  10. in deference to 什么意思


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